Monday 27 September 2010

Joshi Pops

Joshua seems to get funnier and funnier by the day!! So full of smiles (and his new thing now, putting his hand over his mouth and laughing!!) I caught him doing this looking at his reflection in the oven door yesterday!! He's a real character now, always on the go. I can't believe how quickly he's grown up...he's a toddler now, no longer a tiny baby! I really am finding his age now (20 months) so so fun. We keep catching him saying new words. At the moment he's constantly saying "Hiya" and loves saying "Mmmore" when he finishes his bowl of Shreddies in a morning...which soon turns into three bowls!!
He loves music and to have a little dance. When the track stops or the radio gets switched off we get a "Again!"
Anyway enough of me going on....for now ;)

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