Monday 27 September 2010

I'm back!!!!

Ok, so it's been two whole months since I made my first post!! I've been a busy bee! I always seem to be on the go which is why I've never got back to my blog. Just set up email to my blog which means it's going to be much easier to add bits and pieces here and there straight from my phone :) whoooopee!!

So, crafty wise I've been making a few animals from socks!! Brand new socks of course....not the tatty, been worn loads variety!! Ooooh, I do love a new pair of socks....Erin, my Sister-in-Law, often buys me a pair for Christmas or Birthdays and I love it!! In fact I'm wearing a pair from her right now :)

The sock animal addiction(!!) all started from when I came across a tutorial for a sock mouse I found on

She makes some beautiful things...I couldn't wait to have a go at making a mouse!......these two were my first attempts....Milly & Mia

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