We were there for an hour and a half. We got to see her smiling, yawning, wriggling around and sat cross legged with her legs right up underneath her chin (!!)
The sonographer also confirmed to us that it is a little girl...I was still convinced it was a boy up until now!
Joshua seemed interested in the whole thing too...at least for half the time we were there. He was happy playing with a farm set later on!
I think the experience has helped him to understand more what's actually going on in my tummy too. He's started saying 'Baby Sister' now and still loves to kiss and cuddle bump :) He's going to be a fantastic big brother.
Here's one of the photos of her at just under 27 weeks...she looks like she has beautifully defined lips :)...
I feel like i'm being kicked left, right and centre at the moment! She has really strong kicks now, they take me by surprise sometimes, make me jump! Some of them actually hurt! Joshua was never this wriggly!!
Hello my beautiful neice x