Saturday 12 November 2011

Facebook Fan Page

I launched my very own fan page on Facebook last week. It was very exciting and great to get back some lovely feedback and a couple of orders too :) I just love to make things so for for people to like what I do really means a lot!
Whether or not I'll be able to keep up with it I don't know. If it starts to interfere with the kiddiwinks then I shall put a stop to it and once I'm back at work next year I'm guessing I won't have much time at all! We shall just have to see. I really hope I can keep it up and running as I just love to get my things out there! I have so many ideas for new bits and pieces too :)
If you'd like to find me I'm 'Sew Crafty Lisa Jayne' (I'll add a link box thingy-ma-jig on here once I work out how to do it!)