Wednesday 6 July 2011

Surprise arrival!!!

Our beautiful baby girl made an early appearance! Sophie Isobel was born at 36 weeks but both me and her are doing great :)

I had just finished work on the Thursday to start maternity leave and Sophie decided to arrive after the weekend on the Monday!! The very day I'd planned to pack my hospital bag once and for all and also write my birth plan! I'd quite fancied a water birth but with her arriving early I couldn't. I wasn't too bothered though, as long as she arrived safely I didn't care.

Call me strange/ weird and/or slightly mental but I loved being in labour!! I managed with just co-codamol and gas and air too! I just tried to stay calm, concentrating on my breathing and put myself in a bubble and lost all my inhibitions! The whole birth lasted for just over 12 hours with the first contractions starting at 3.20am in the morning.

She's perfect...we are all so made up, including her big brother Joshua!